Tuesday 13 April 2010

Long Term Preparation - Use of Technology

A shout out to all those who are business owners and / or have been affected by the floods in the general Bandon area..... the following should be of interest to you:

Business related:
A database of local businesses is expected to be updated over the next few weeks. It is hoped that local students will be gathering updated information on businesses under the following headings:
Business name
Nature of the business
Business contact number (Landline)
Business mobile contact (For text message flood related warnings)
Business website
Business email

(All data protection laws, rules and regulations will apply)

There are three other key proposals with this opportunity to gather information:

1. Create a database of mobile numbers that could be used to send a 'group text message' in case of the potential of future flooding.

2. The creation of a database of Bandon related business emails. This network could then be used to highlight business-related issues, promotions, advice and notification of meetings. We don't have an active Business Association and this facility may help businesses to network together. (Which cannot be a bad thing!)

and 3. The creation of email addresses to those business who do not have business email addresses. We would then hope to show those who do not have computer skills how best to use this most valuable tool. (A temporaray password would be set when creating the email account and then the business owners will be shown how to change it)

My simple request to you, the business person, is to get talking about the above 3 topics with friends, neighbours and colleagues. You may be able to convince the person 'set in their ways' that inofmation and technology should be able to keep them informed about what is going on and should also be able to help their business.

Highlight, copy and paste either of the following links into the address bar... http://www.bandon.ie/googlemap.htm (Click on your choice)or

Please zoom in on the centre of the town and click on one of the icons .... not many people know that we have a huge amount of the businesses of the town already located on the internet. (This work was done voluntarily and at no cost to the business owner ... go on, have a look.... you might be surprised)

Any ideas, suggestions and / or comments be they positive or negative can be emailed to visitbandon@gmail.com or the newly created bandonbusinessnetwork@gmail.com

