Monday 19 October 2009

Bandon Walking Club


YOU can still come along on the next walk; memberships will only be taken after the first three walks.

The format for forming a club is that the first three walks take place and will be at walker’s own risk. Then you can decide if you wish to become a member. There are three levels of walks, A, B and C. Only do what suits. So it’s up to YOU.

If you need to know more, email for an automatic response.


(Walk 3 of 3) SUNDAY 1ST NOVEMBER 2009 - Walk at Cappa Glin, Killarney.
08.30 a.m. Meeting at Ash Tree to Car Pool and travel toward Killarney.

Direction: Just before Killarney you travel through Glenflesk village,
(Petrol station and Church) you have a straight stretch and after the next turn in the road (White farmhouse) there is a Machinery/Plant Sale place on the right and a turn just after that for Lough Guittane.


The following is a list of what you will need to start walking:-

A woolen or synthetic hat, gloves and scarf, A light fleece, A breathable t-shirt, A tracksuit or walking trousers (no jeans – no way – no excuses!!!!!) One pair of thick walking socks. Walking boots that are waterproof.

Waterproof coat (with a hood) and leggings A rug sack between 25 and 35 litres is the norm with a plastic liner which you can get in Mahers Sports Shop or possibly Welch sports or Jeffers.

The above is a list of items you would need on a hill walk. You will not need all of them on your first outing but I would advise you to at least get the t-shirt, fleece and boots.

Please try to have a waterproof coat and leggings with you as well. Bring a change of clothes with you. These can be left in your car and changed into afterwards. The norm is to bring a lunch and water with you. We will pool cars at the meeting point. Please note that you walk at your risk.
